36th Season 2024
36th Season 2024 

Spectrum Concerts Berlin auf CD










Release in August 2024










(Click of the CD cover to listen)


"Taneyev often jumps into fast, busy textures from quiet introductions, challenging his players to immediately find that new tempo and texture, and without compomising their ensemble or balance. Spectrum Concerts Berlin meet all those challenges on this recording, and the results are impressive...The performances are engaged and vibrant...If you are looking to add Taneyev's String Trio and Piano Quartet to your collection, this new release will do nicely."

© 2022 Fanfare Magazine, Gavin Dixon


"Compelling accounts of a Russian Romantic who revered the Classical era... members of the Spectrum-Ensemble make a strong case for this neglected score... The recording bathes the players in a gentle sonic glow."
© 2022 The Strad


"The musicians of the Spectrum Concerts Berlin ensemble deliver vital interpretations of both compositions. The fast movements are dynamic and urgent, while the two adagios are played expressively and catabile. In addition, there is the impression of very playful and always light playing, which, however, never becomes light-footed, but gives the music the eloquence it deserves."

© 2022 pizzicato, Remy Franck 

Aufnahme des Streichsextetts von Erich Wolfgang Korngold am 1. und 2. Mai 2019 in der Jesus-Christus-Kirche (Foto: Adil Razali)
(von links nach rechts) Torleif Thedeen, Boris Brovtsyn, Jens Peter Maintz, Gareth Lubbe, Yura Lee, Clara-Jumi Kang - 2. Mai 2019 (Foto: Adil Razali)

"Hier ist alles Korngold, was glänzt."

 von Isabel Herzfeld

Erich Wolfgang Korngold

Vol. I

  . String Sextet, Op. 10

  . Piano Trio, Op. 1


Boris Brovtsyn Violin

Clara-Jumi Kang Violin

Gareth Lubbe Viola

Yura Lee Viola

Jens Peter Maintz Cello

Torleif Thedéen Cello

Eldar Nebolsin Piano





"Both performances from the Spectrum Concerts Berlin are superb, Eldar Nebolsin's piano perfectly balanced with the string duo, while the Sextet is characterized by the infinite detail in the recorded sound."

© 2020 David`s Review Corner


"Both works receive wonderfully bravura and heart-felt performances on this new disc...Korngold experiments with every possible textural combination of instruments and all kinds of technical effect. The quite superb Spectrum Concerts Berlin relish these potential excesses. In this they are helped by the very rich and full Deutschlandfunk Kultur recording made in the wonderfully generous acoustic of the Jesus-Christus-Kirche Berlin. The artistic director of Spectrum Concerts Berlin is Frank S. Dodge who brings together elite solo and chamber players as concerts and repertoire demands. But there is no sense that this is an "occasional" ensemble - the technical excellence is a given, but allied to that is a cohesion and unanimity of style that is hugely impressive. This is apparent from first bar to last."

© 2021 MusicWeb, Nick Barnard


Erich Wolfgang Korngold

Volume II:

  . Suite, Op. 23

  . Piano Quintet, Op. 15


Boris Brovtsyn Violin

Clara-Jumi Kang Violin

Gareth Lubbe Viola

Torleif Thedéen Cello

Eldar Nebolsin Piano






"Dazzling theatrical performances embrace an operatic spectrum of colour. The players of Spectrum Concerts demonstrate complete mastery of these challenges that constantly dazzle and beguile."

The Strad, Januar 2021, Matthew Rye


"For anyone who responds to late Romantic chamber music, these two works are as impressive as they are enjoyable and in performances as committed and accomplished as these they emerge with their stature increased."

MusicWeb International, © 2021, Nick Barnard


Click image for reviews.

Erwin Schulhoff

Chamber Music:

  . String Sextet, Op. 45

  . Violin Sonata, No. 2

  . Duo for Violin and Cello

  . Five Jazz Etudes


Boris Brovtsyn Violin

Valeriy Sokolov Violin

Philip Dukes Viola

Maxim Rysanov Viola

Jens Peter Maintz Cello

Torleif Thedéen Cello

Eldar Nebolsin Piano

8.573525 (2016)

"No praise is too high for Spectrum Concerts Berlin, who spare no effort in bringing Schulhoff freshly to life. In fact, you`d be hard pressed to find a more winning introduction to his output, which is also beautifully recorded."

GRAMOPHONE, Januar 2017


"Vier Werke aus den 1920er Jahren sind auf dieser CD vertreten. Zur spektakulären Entdeckung werden sie durch die Interpretation des Endembles Spectrum Concerts Berlin: Die Musiker reagieren traumwandlerisch aufeinander und formulieren gemeinsam ein in jedem Takt überzeugendes Plädoyer für

Erwin Schulhoff."

BR Klassik


"The stellar soloists...a good introduction to a prodigously talented composer."

BBC Music Magazine, 2017


"Throughout the performances of the multinational Spectrum Concerts Berlin is superb, with particular mention of the immaculate intonation of the Russian violinist, Boris Brovtsyn, in the extreme technical challenges of the Violin Sonata. An immaculately recorded product of German Radio."

© 2016 David`s Review Corner


Produktion des Schulhoff Streichsextetts am 4. Januar 2016

Boris Brovtsyn, Valeriy Sokolov Violin

Philip Dukes, Maxim Rysanov  Viola

Torleif Thedéen, Jens Peter Maintz Cello 

Click image for reviews.

Anton Arensky

Chamber Music:

  . Piano Quintet, Op. 51

  . String Quartet No. 2, Op. 35

  . Piano Trio No. 1, Op. 32


Boris Brovtsyn Violin

Alexander Sitkovetsky Violin

Maxim Rysanov Viola

Jens Peter Maintz Cello

Torleif Thedéen Cello

Eldar Nebolsin Piano


8.573317 (2015)


Aufnahme des Jahres 2015



Nominated for an ICMA



"The playing, from the star-studded Spectrum Concerts Berlin, is technically immaculate, and where a few liberties have been taken in shaping long-flowing phrases, they are tasteful and in keeping with the Russian Romantic era. Very good sound, and a fabulous release." 

© 2015 David’s Review Corner, David Denton


"Probably now the one Arensky CD everyone must own, a treasurey of some of the best-ever Russian Romantic chamber music. (That string quartet with two cellos - the only thing more gorgeous is the Borodin quartet.) And these are defining performances by a starry cast of Russian soloists.

© 2015 MusicWeb InternationalBrian Reinhart


"Splendid playing, marked by perfect intonation, ensemble balance, and tonal warmth, conjoined with emotional engagement, interpretive intelligence, and superior recording, add up to a very strong recommendation for this release." 

© 2016 FanfareJerry Dubins

Click image for reviews.

Ernst von Dohnányi

  . Serenade, Op. 

  . Sextet, Op. 


Janine Jansen Violin

Joel Waterman Viola

Frank Dodge Cello 

Christian Poltera Cello

Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer Clarinet

Ron Schaaper Horn

Daniel Blumenthal Piano


8.557153 (2003)




"All the playing is remarkable!"



Awarded the Rosette by the



"These are among the the composer's most winning music, making a superb disc, brilliantly played and recorded...inspiring dedicated playing!" 



"Spectrum Concerts Berlin immaculate accounts of some of the most sublimely beautiful music of the era." 


Click image for reviews.

John Harbison

  . Variations

  . Four Songs of Solitude

  . Twilight Music


Janine Jansen Violin

Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer Clarinet

Bernhard Krug Horn

Daniel Blumenthal Piano


8.559173 (2003)






"Harbison's first appearance in Naxos's American Classics' series brings wonderful new recordings of three of his best chamber music pieces from the 1980s performed by members of a first-rate new-music group active in Germany, Spectrum Concerts Berlin...the music shimmers through your senses as elusively as quicksilver.



"The disc of John Harbison's chamber music is an absolute winner...Everyone who loves chamber music needs this disc!"



"These are important contributions by one of our major compositional figures, given in well-rehearsed and immaculately played performances."


Click image for reviews.

Robert Helps

  . Piano Quartet

  . Postlude

  . Nocturne for String Quartet

  . Shall We Dance


Janine Jansen Violin 

Quinten de Roos Violin

Ronald Carbone Viola 

Hartmut Rohde Viola

Frank Dodge Cello

Ron Schaaper Horn

Robert Helps Piano

Daniel Blumenthal Piano

8.559199 (2004)



"It was like looking at a beautiful castle at night in the reflections of the face of a lake that is stirred by winds."



"It is an enchanting work, residing comfortably in an oasis which both feeds on and ignores the icons of contemporary music."



"On this CD Helps gives a highly evocative performance of his Shall We Dance (1994), and distils effects of exquisite beauty from John Ireland's Darkened Valley."


Click image for reviews.

Ernst Toch

  - Tanz-Suite

  . Cello Concerto

Christian Poltera Solo Cello

Thomas Carroll Conductor 

Priya Mitchell Violin 

Julia-Maria Kretz Violin

Hartmut Rohde Viola

Frank Dodge Cello

Stacey Watton Bass

Marieke Schneemann Flute

Nigel Shore Oboe

Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer Clarinet                   

Catherine Maguire Bassoon

Bernhard Krug Horn

Daniel Tummes Percussion

                                                                            8.559282 (2006)


"This recording is excellently played!"



"Überhaupt zeichnen sich die Berliner Musikanten nicht nur durch ihre unbekümmert freche Gangart aus. Besonders im Cellokonzert, das mit seiner asketischen Ensemblebesetzung aus Streichquintett, Bläserquintett und Schlagzeug ein Pendant zu Schönbergs Kammersinfonie sein könnte, begegnet man neben Drive und polyphonen Proportionen (Finalsatz) einem sehnsüchtig suggestiven wie gleichzeitig zerbrechlichen Klangkolorit, in dem die ganze Aufbruchsstimmung des konservativen Wiens steckt."



"The two pieces here are terrific: An American founded Spectrum Concerts Berlin, a chamber ensemble with ace players from all over the world. They make delicious work of the suite and provide sensitive accompaniment in the concerto. Anyone with an interest in early modernism will eat up this stuff."


Click image for reviuews.

Ernst Toch

  . Violin Sonata No. 2

  . Burlesken

  . Three Impromptus

  . Piano Quintet


Annette von Hehn Violin 

Julia-Maria Kretz Violin

Hartmut Rohde Viola

Frank Dodge Cello

Daniel Blumenthal Piano


8.559324 (2008)





"The violin sonata is a wizard piece, one that Stravinsky, Hindemith or Prokofiev might have been proud to call his own, played to the hilt by violinist Annette von Hehn and pianist Daniel Blumenthal. The three Burlesques share the same spirit, and Blumenthal delivers sparkling, virtuoso performances...Cellist Frank Dodge, playing a rich, deep instrument, elevates this solemn music (Impromtus) to near-masterpiece status."



"Anyone who cares about 20th Century chamber music should hear Toch's sonatas, trios, quartets, and the 1938 Piano Quintet. This splendidly-performed-and-recorded Naxos disc, with interesting and informative annotations by the composer's grandson Lawrence Weschler, is a perfect place to begin -or continue."



"Spectrum Concerts Berlin provides committed and powerfully rendered performances, all captured in first-rate sound. Toch fans need not hesitate in acquiring this excellent disc."


Click image for reviews.

Ernst Toch

  . Violin Sonata No. 1

  . Cello Sonata

  . String Trio

  . Divertimento

  . Adagio elegiaco


Annette von Hehn Violin

Hartmut Rohde Viola

Jens Peter Maintz Cello

Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer Clarinet

Katya Apekisheva Piano 

Jascha Nemtsov Piano

8.559716 (2014)



"Spectrum Concerts Berlin gives us nearly an hour of very well-played Toch. There are two other releases in the series which I certainly want to hear, but in the meantime we get some masterful examples of a composer that well deserves recognition. Anyone with a penchant for early moderists will revel in this release. Highly recommended!



"There have been other recordings of some of these pieces, but I've not heard any that particularly impress me. This whole CD is interesting, and the violin sonata seals an enthusiastic recommendation."


Click image for reviews.

Stanley Walden

  . Maquettes

  . Sh'mah

  . Five Similes

  . Horn Trio


Robert Levin Piano 

Ya-Fei Chuang Piano

Julia-Maria Kretz Violin

Jens Peter Maintz Cello

Bernhard Krug Horn


8.559355 (2008)





"We have some first class, sensitively authoritive performances here. Walden's music is never obvious and can be subtly withdrawn."


Click image for reviews.

Paul Hindemith

  . Clarinet Quartet

  . Clarinet Sonata

  . Three Easy Pieces

  . Clarinet Quintet


Annette von Hehn Violin 

Elisabeth Glass Violin

Hartmut Rohde Viola

Frank Dodge Cello

Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer Clarinet

Ya-Fei Chuang Piano

8.572213 (2009)




"The quintet, an early work from Hindemith's 'enfant terrible' years, receives a fierce, all-in performance that suits the music exactly; Wouters is fabulously flamboyant here, with technique to burn. Enthusiastically recommended to Hindemithians, chamber music mavens, and clarinet fanciers."



"The Three Easy Pieces for cello and piano are totally unpretentious and much more than teaching pieces, or pieces specifically for students. They are rich and inventive morsels which can stand the big interpretation they receive here."



"This splendid Naxos release includes excellent performances of music that is entirely worth getting to know." 


click image for reviews.

Robert Helps


Robert Helps Piano

ATOS Trio:

Thomas Hoppe, Annette von Hehn, Stefan Heinemeyer

Naomi Niskala Piano

Ronald Carbone Viola

Frank Dodge Cello

Marieke Schneemann Flute

Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer Clarinet

Bernard Krug Horn


8.559696-97 (2011)



"Both of Robert Helps's formidable artistic gifts are represented on this revealing two-disc collection. There's the composer of piquant and poetic chamber music, and there's the pianist who gave supple life to his own works, as well as pieces by other composers. These complimentary aspects paint a portrait of a bold musician with the facility to transform and illuminate in myriad styles...Helps was no imitator...the music is always suffused with distinctive clarity, vehemence and pensive drama...meticulously detailed performances by the ATOS Trio and an array of splendid colleagues"Helps was no imitator…the music is always suffused with distinctive clarity, vehemence and pensive drama …meticulously detailed performances by the ATOS Trio and an array of splendid colleagues." 

©GRAMOPHONE, April 2012


"This is now Spectrum Concerts Berlin`s seventh recording for Naxos under cellist/founder Frank Dodge, and they continue to impress. The German ATOS Trio, who some will recognize as BBC Radio 3 'New Generation Artists', make their debut, red-blooded and cohesive in the trios. So does Japanese-American pianist Naomi Niskala..."

Musicweb International, Byzantion

Click image for reviews.

Ursula Mamlok

Chamber and Solo Music


Alexander Sitkovetsky Violin  

Hartmut Rohde Viola

Jens Peter Maintz Cello

Naomi Niskala Piano

Lars Wouters van den Oudenweijer Clarinet

Armida Quartet


8.559771 (2014)






"By complementing and to some extent overlapping the four volumes of Mamlok's music already out on Bridge, Naxos has confirmed the importance of a delicate, highly tuned voice with a minimalist's flair for pace and flow." 



"So sinnlich kann Neue Musik sein! Kraftvolle Gesten, ein sicheres Gefühl für Farben, Nuancen, erfindungsreich durchdachte Struktur, Rhythmus und Artikulation prägen die Werke von Ursula Mamlok."


> NAXOS Website